Results matching “x11”

Nook Color X11 frame buffer.jpg I have been toying around with idea of having real Linux stack (X11 and friends) on Nook Color. While this seems like a silly thing to do, it does allow me to use x2x and transfer keyboard and mouse from my laptop to tablet which is handy. If also allows me to run X11 applications on tablet screen using DISPLAY=nook.lan:0. I was fortunate enough to find blog post how to run Linux framebuffer X server on Android but I wanted to use touchscreen so I decided to write my own xorg.conf (this brings back memories...).

To get full-blown Debian-based distribution on your Android take a look at BotBrew Basil. It's Emdebian based distribution which will setup mount points and various other stuff so you don't have to do that manually. Since it's Debian based, you are not limited to Emdebian packages -- you can (and will have to) add normal sid:

(BotBrew)root@localhost:/# cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sid.list 
deb [arch=armel] sid main contrib non-free
If you want to know more about Emdebian hop over to DebConf 12: Integrating Emdebian into Debian [video].

With all this prepared, we are ready to shut down Android stack:

adb shell setprop ctl.stop media
adb shell setprop ctl.stop zygote
adb shell setprop ctl.stop surfaceflinger
adb shell setprop ctl.stop drm
Next step is installation of required packages:
dpavlin@t61p:~$ adb shell
root@android:/ # TERM=xterm chroot /data/botbrew-basil/ /bin/bash --login
(BotBrew)root@localhost:/# apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-fbdev xserver-xorg-input-evdev \
   xserver-xorg-input-multitouch x11-xserver-utils xinit \
   matchbox matchbox-keyboard xterm
I decided to use matchbox, mostly becuase it's only window manager which comes with on-screen keyboard which is useful on touch screen device.

After installation you will need to setup X symlink and create .xinitrc:

root@android:/ # ln -s /usr/bin/Xorg /usr/bin/X

root@android:/ # cat ~/.xinitrc                                              
( sleep 1 ; matchbox-keyboard -o portrait ) &
Finally, you need to create xorg.conf:
Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier    "Layout0"
    Screen        "Screen0"
    InputDevice   "cyttsp-i2c" "CorePointer"
    InputDevice   "gpio-keys" "CoreKeyboard"
    InputDevice   "twl4030-keypad" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier    "gpio-keys"
    Driver        "evdev"
    Option        "Device" "/dev/input/event0"
    # code 102 (KEY_HOME)
    # code 116 (KEY_POWER)

Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier     "twl4030-keypad"
    Driver         "evdev"
    Option         "Device" "/dev/input/event1"
    # code 114 (KEY_VOLUMEDOWN)
    # code 115 (KEY_VOLUMEUP)

Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier     "cyttsp-i2c"
    Driver         "multitouch"
    Option         "Device" "/dev/input/event2"
    # mouse should move as fast as finger and not faster
    Option         "AccelerationScheme" "none"
    # evdev has it, multitouch doesn't so it behaves like touchpad
#   Option         "IgnoreRelativeAxes" "True"

Section "Device"
    Identifier    "Card0"
    Driver        "fbdev"
    Option        "fbdev" "/dev/graphics/fb0"
    # rotate screen to be in sync with touchpad orientation
    Option        "Rotate" "CCW" # CW=90 UD=180 CCW=270

Section "Screen"
    Identifier    "Screen0"
    Device        "Card0"
This will map all hardware keys and use mutitouch driver for screen. To make it work, I used evtest package which allows you to see events from input devices so you will know which device produce keyboard events and which produce multitouch events. To be honest, this solution isn't prefect, because screen behaves like touchpad, so you can't just point to screen and expect your cursor to just to that position.

Following video shows X server in action.

This is simple unaccelerated frame buffer. This makes performance less then desirable. There are a few implementations of OMAP xorg server:

  • xf86-video-omapfb uses DSS kernel support which seems to be part of CM kernel, so this might be good next thing to try out
  • xf86-video-omap is newer implementation, but this requires 3.3 kernel and is not yet stable.
Having accelerated OMAP X server and fixed touchscreen issues would make Nook somewhat nice Linux tablet, if only it isn't so heavy for day-to-day use :-)

As you all know by now, last week we had another DORS/CLUC conference. This time I had two talks and one workshop.

SysAdmin Cookbook.png

Sysadmin cookbook

I never proparly introduced this project here, but if you want to know more about my convention based documentation examine the presentation of hop over to and take a look at generated documentation.

Basic idea is to document changes in easy to write files on file system (preserving symlinks to files on system which allows you to quickly see if cookbook is deployed or not and diff between template and deployed configuration). I know that my cookbook is mix of various things I did in last three years, but I do find it useful, so hopefully it might be useful to you also.

Kindle - so much more than ebook reader.png

Kindle - so much more than ebook reader

This was longer talk about my one year experience with Kindle. I must say that I'm still very happy user of Kindle, but in this talk, I tried to cover Kindle Developer's Corner at mobileread forum as well as other related projects: So if you are still wondering if it's worth the effort to install third-party software on Kindle, answer is yes, it is!.

Web scale monitoring.png

Web scale monitoring

This was a workshop which doesn't have much with web (it's about monitoring ADSL CPE devices and provider equipment in-between), but it shows (I hope) nice way to integrate several project to provide nice scalable monitoring infrastructure. It's composed of:

  • Gearman message queue together with Gearman::Driver provide on-demand scaling of workers
  • redis saves all data from external systems (LDAP, CRM) and all results from statistics collection nicely providing data for web interface
  • PostgreSQL stores all collected data, using hstore to provide unstructured key value store for different data from different devices while still allowing us to use SQL to query data (and export it to data warehouse)
  • Mojolicious provides web interface which uses data from redis and provides JSONP REST interface for Angular.js
All in all it's a nice combination of tools which served my need quite well, so I hope it was also useful to people who attended workshop.

For quote some time I have been using x2x to have single keyboard and mouse for multiple machines (EeePC or third monitor at work), but I had problem with selection buffers. x2x was written for scenario where all X servers are listening to network connections, so if you had two machines klin and t42 and you wanted to use keyboard and mouse on klin you would have to do something like this:

dpavlin@t42:~$ xhost klin

dpavlin@klin:~$ x2x -to klin:0 -west
However, recent Debian systems are not listening to TCP connections, so you will have to modify xserverrc for this to work:
dpavlin@t42:~$ cat /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc 

exec /usr/bin/X11/X #-nolisten tcp
However, it's much nicer to depend on ssh X11 forwarding to provide encryption using:
dpavlin@klin:~$ ssh -X t42 x2x -to :0 -west
To finish this post, I have to include small patch which allows to switch copy/paste direction (which I don't need any more, but it proved useful in at least one case):
diff -r 2ce6789a43da x2x.c
--- a/x2x.c     Tue Mar 18 22:47:34 2008 +0600
+++ b/x2x.c     Tue Nov 24 14:08:16 2009 +0100
@@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@
       if (doSel) {
         // pDpyInfo->initialClipboardSeen = False;
         pDpyInfo->winSelText = NULL;
-        pDpyInfo->hwndNextViewer = SetClipboardViewer(pDpyInfo->edgewindow);
+        pDpyInfo->hwndNextViewer = SetClipboardViewer(pDpyInfo->bigwindow);
       pDpyInfo->onedge = 0;

If you have any objection your X11 setup (especially if you are not running Gnome or KDE) it's probably: Firefox menu font size is too big! However, that's really not right complaint. If you create your own userChrome.css and install it in correct location, you will notice that rest of applications still won't look good. But, Firefox was biggest problem, so you move on...

But, solution is really simple:

dpavlin@t61p:~$ cat .gtkrc-2.0 
gtk-font-name = "Verdana 7"
This will change all GTK application's (including FIrefox, and others) to sane font size for huge monitors with high DPI settings. It's a single line fix to all your problems!, take a look: gtk-font-change.png

One of first differences when you start using X11 is that you can just select any text on screen and press middle mouse button to paste it back. But, after a while you end up in situation where you did ctrl+c in application, and somehow you expect that middle mouse button will paste it back.

X11 implementation of copy/paste is much more complicated, as you might read from excellent X Selections, Cut Buffers, and Kill Rings.

Most of the time, having two different clipboards is very useful. Think about copy/pasting url and title at the same time from one web page to another (like I do often when writing blog posts like this one).

So, how to we manage buffers more efficiently? First, install xclip and try it out:

dpavlin@t61p:~$ xclip -h
Usage: xclip [OPTION] [FILE]...
Access an X server selection for reading or writing.

  -i, -in          read text into X selection from standard input or files
  -o, -out         prints the selection to standard out (generally for
                   piping to a file or program)
  -l, -loops       number of selection requests to wait for before exiting
  -d, -display     X display to connect to (eg localhost:0")
  -h, -help        usage information
      -selection   selection to access ("primary", "secondary", "clipboard" or "buffer-cut")
      -noutf8      don't treat text as utf-8, use old unicode
      -version     version information
      -silent      errors only, run in background (default)
      -quiet       run in foreground, show what's happening
      -verbose     running commentary
Help output is probably a little verbose, but just remember following things:
  • -in is default
  • -out displays content
  • default selection is primary (which is content you marked on screen)
  • -selection clipboard is only other thing you need to rember
So, armed with that knowledge, here are couple of examples:
# display selected text
xclip -out

# display clipboard (copy/paste in applications)
xclip -out -selection clipbaord

# transfer selection into copy/paste buffer
xclip -out | xclip -selection clipboard

# transfer selection into copy/paste buffer
xclip -out -selection clipboard | xclip
Last example is useful if you want to paste something back in terminal and it somehow ended up in copy/paste buffer, following is Zotero example: zotero-copy-to-clipboard.png

Just let your imagination go wild: what if you have only textarea and you want to do some massive editing for which vi whould be better? You can install excellent It's All Text! Firefox extension but, you could also write something like this:

xclip -out > /tmp/$$.txt && vi /tmp/$$.txt && xclip -in -selection clipboard < /tmp/$$.txt
You could bind that to a key in your window manager or start different editor if you wanted to... or I guess live can be simple again if you just install autocutsel

Few days after I wrote this blog post, I had interesting problem. I was trying to decrease font size in firefox and I found instructions which included filename and content itself. I copied content with Ctrl+C and selected filename and used this little gem:

xclip -sel clipboard -out > `xclip -out`

I wanted to have full-screen presentation with two video files in-between slides. And I didn't really want to depend on network to present it. I even wanted to use properly scaled video depending on projector resolution.

In my expirience, best way to preserve presentation format is to export it into pdf. And than with a little bit of shell scripting...

xpdf -fullscreen /home/dpavlin/Desktop/sf3-2009_oslobodimo_hardware.pdf
mplayer -fs /home/dpavlin/llin/RFID/ffzg-promo-knjiznica.avi
xpdf -fullscreen /home/dpavlin/Desktop/sf3-2009_oslobodimo_hardware.pdf 3
mplayer -fs /home/dpavlin/llin/RFID/comet-meteor-koha-rfid.ogv
xpdf -fullscreen /home/dpavlin/Desktop/sf3-2009_oslobodimo_hardware.pdf 6
I got exactly what I needed. Both xpdf and mplayer have full screen options and xpdf can jump to specific slide. Even keyboard shortcut to exit programs (q) are the same!

So, I just flip first two slides, press q and play first video in full screen. When it ends, I will be on next slide in xpdf. You will see background for a bit (so switch to empty virtual desktop or something), but other than that it works nicely and predictably.

I rarely use X11 for system administration. There is one tool, however, which was always invaluable to me: xlax. Sure, there are other solutions but somehow, I got addicted to xlax ever since I was introduced to it by fellow sysadmin.

Until today, that is. I always have source on the disk since it was such a hard thing to find. I run quick xmkmf on it, and... it didn't work! However, since xlax now has a home page which explains everything about XTerm*allowSendEvents I was on right track.

But, now so fast, grasshopper!
dpavlin@llin:/rest/unix/x11/xlax2.4$ make
gcc -m32 -o xlax -g -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing       xlax.o -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXpm  -lXext -lX11      
xlax.o: In function `SetupInterface':
/rest/unix/x11/xlax2.4/xlax.c:173: undefined reference to `strlcpy'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [xlax] Error 1
Argh. I started with Digital UNIX (called OSF/1 back then) and part of my brain which deals with minor adjustments hasn't died yet, so I decided to do quick google search for strlcpy which which has handy link to strlcpy implementation in OpenBSD. Licensing terms aside, I decided to give it a try.

After applying following patch:

diff -urw xlax2.4/Imakefile xlax2.4.strlcpy/Imakefile
--- xlax2.4/Imakefile   2008-07-31 22:18:25.000000000 +0200
+++ xlax2.4.strlcpy/Imakefile   2009-04-30 21:32:15.000000000 +0200
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 #            DEFINES = -DDEBUG
             DEPLIBS = XawClientDepLibs
     LOCAL_LIBRARIES = XawClientLibs
-               SRCS = xlax.c
-               OBJS = xlax.o
+               SRCS = xlax.c strlcpy.c
+               OBJS = xlax.o strlcpy.c

and quick xmkmf && make and I got it compiled.

Another trivial change was to implement automatic ssh to each host in mkxlax by adding -e 'ssh $ARGV[$i]' to system xterm line so I will have remote reminals opened by default.

And now, back to real work :-)

It seems that Intel driver for Xorg allocates virtual destop as maximum rectangular size of biggest attached screen. In my example, I have:

  • 1920*1200 LCD monitor connected via VGA (sic! x200 doesn't have DVI)
  • 1280*800 internal LCD display
Xorg seems to think that my virtual desktop should be 1920*1920. This is probably correct if I want to rotate my screen freely (which doesn't really work with Intel driver because screen refresh in any orientation other than normal is just too slow to be useful).

I want to have VGA output above internal LVDS with something like

xrandr --output VGA --auto --above LVDS
It should be 1290*2000 = 1920*(1200+800) so I had to add following in /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
Section "Screen"
        Identifier      "Default Screen"
        Monitor         "Configured Monitor"
        SubSection "Display"
                Virtual 1920 2000
Nice and simple. I really love new configuration files with much less clutter...

I'm preparing walk-through screencasts for workshop about virtualization so I needed easy way to produce console screencasts.

First, I found TTYShare which displays ttyrec files using flash, but I really wanted to copy/paste parts of commands and disliked flash plugin requirement.

It seems that I wasn't only one who wanted JavaScript client for ttyrec. jsttplay can produce screencasts like this one about OpenVZ using plain copy/paste friendly JavaScript within browser.

But, for some parts (like Debian installation under VirtualBox) I really needed movie capture. x11grab option from ffmpeg seemed easy enough to use:

ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 640x480 -r 10 -i :0.0 /tmp/screencast.avi
but getting right window size isn't something I want to do by hand. So, I wrote small perl script which extract window position and size using xwininfo and pass it to ffmpeg so I don't have to.